General English Exam Series – Poem 25 – A Tragic Story

Poem 25 – A Tragic Story 

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Poem 25 – A Tragic Story 

1. The Poem ” A Tragic Story” is written by ?

A. William Shakespeare

B. William Makepeace Thackeray

C. William Wordsworth

D. H.W. Longfellow

2. He was one of the great novelists of the English Victorian Age. His Vanity Fair is one of the finest and best-known novels in English literature. Who is He ? 

A. William Shakespeare

B. William Makepeace Thackeray

C. William Wordsworth

D. H.W. Longfellow

3. ” There lived a sage in days of yore, 

And he a handsome pigtail wore; 

Here In days of Yore means ? 

A. Recently

B. Long past days

C. Last Century

D. Last Year

4. ” There lived a sage in days of yore, 

And he a handsome pigtail wore; ” 

Why the sage was not happy ? 

A. Because of his Pigtail

B. He lacks knowledge

C. He is not brave to out after Evening

D. He don’t have power

5. ” But wondered much and sorrowed more, 

Because it hung behind him. ” .

Why pigtail is a problem for the sage ? 

A. The pig tail is not growing

B. The pigtail is very long

C. The pigtail is hung behind him

D. The pigtail is a disturbance for him

6. ” He mused upon this curious case, 

And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place, 

And have it hanging at his face, 

Not dangling there behind him. ” 

What is the curious case for the sage ?

A. The pigtail is hung behind him

B. The growth of pigtail

C. The man without pigtail

D. The nature of hair

7.” He mused upon this curious case, 

And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place, 

And have it hanging at his face, 

Not dangling there behind him. ” 

The sage wanted his Pigtail ? 

A. To be cut off

B. Shortened off

C. To hang at his face

D. None of the above

8. ” Says he, ” The mystery I’ve found – 

Says he, ” The mystery I’ve found! 

I’ll turn me round,” he turned him round; 

But still it hung behind him. ” 

What is the mystery founded by the sage ? 

A. He need to paste his Pigtail at his forehead

B. He need to turn him round

C. He wanted to grow new pigtail from his front hair

D. None of the above

9. ” Then round and round, and out and in, 

All day the puzzled sage did spin; 

In vain–it mattered not a pin – 

The pigtail hung behind him. ” 

The meant of puzzled is ? 

A. Perplexed

B. Unable to understand

C. Confused

D. All the above are correct

10. ” Then round and round, and out and in, 

All day the puzzled sage did spin; 

In vain–it mattered not a pin – 

The pigtail hung behind him. ” 

Why the sage is confused ? 

A. He cannot bring the pigtail at his front

B. He cannot turn round his face

C. Both A and B are correct

D. He can’t able to grow a new pigtail

11. ” And right and left and round about, 

And up and down and in and out 

He turned; but still the pigtail stout 

Hung steadily behind him. ” 

The meat of stout is ? 

A. Thin in structure

B. Think in structure

C. Elastic condition

D. Fibre like Material

12. And though his efforts never slack, 

And though he twist and twirl, and tack, 

Alas! Still faithful to his back,

The pigtail hangs behind him 

What did the sage do atlast ? 

A. He never gave up

B. He cut off the pig tail

C. He Disliked his Pigtail even more

D. He Rotates his head using his power

13. “Alas! Still faithful to his back,

The pigtail hangs behind him ” 

Who is faithful to his back ? 

A. Sage

B. His Pigtail

C. His Head

D. None of the above

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