General English – Group 2 Exam Series 12 – Poem 1 – Life

Poem – Life 

1. The poem ” Life ” is Written By  

A. Henry Van Dyke

B. Wordsworth

C. Douglas

D. Vivian Gould

2. What does the poem ” Life ” describes about ? 

A. Life is a playground

B. Life is an Adventure

C. Life is a war field

D. Life is eternal

3. The poet want people to live life as ? 

A. Carefull

B. Careless

C. Serious

D. Joyful

4. ” Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal “

Here how the poet want us to reach the goal ? 

A. Without any distraction

B. Without any seriousness

C. Very comfortably

D. With sufficient planning

5. ” With forward face and unreluctant soul ” 

The poet want us to live the life __________ 

A. Very happily

B. With beautiful adventures

C. Without Hesitation

D. Without looking the time

6. In the dim past, nor holding back in fear , From what the future veils; but with a whole .

Here the poet want us the see the life as ? 

A. Without looking dull past and without any fearful about future

B. We should look carefully about past as experience and also about the future

C. The past and future is the life things

D. The past and future should not decide who you are

7. And happy heart, that pays its toll

To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer. 

How life is explained here ? 

A. Life is a journey from child to old

B. Life is a happy heart from youth to age

C. Being happy is the foremost goal from child to old age

D. None of the above

8. My heart will keep the courage of the quest,

And hope the road’s last turn will be the best. 

The poet want us to ? 

A. Determination to live a great life

B. To live a life which should be joy and sorrow

C. Our life should make history for others

D. Questioning and seeking what life is

9. ” New friendship, high adventure, and a crown” 

The line describes human being as 

A. Seeker

B. Entertainer

C. Common man

D. Joyful

10. Henry Van Dyke belong to which country ? 

A. British

B. America

C. Canada

D. Germany

11. Henry Van Dyke served as a professor of English literature at Princeton University between _________ and ________ 

A. 1899 and 1923

B. 1889 to 1923

C. 1890 to 1920

D. 1896 to 1916

12. Which poet was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters ?

A. Wordsworth

B. D.H Lawrence

C. Robert Frost

D. Henry Van Dyke

13 . ” My heart will keep the courage of the quest ” 

The meaning of quest is ?

A. Search for something

B. Always questioning

C. Strange

D. Bewildered

14. “With forward face and unreluctant soul ” 

The meaning of unreluctant is ? 

A. Generous

B. Willing to do something

C. Perfect

D. Without end

15. The word sonnet is derived from ? 

A. Greek word

B. Spanish word

C. Italian word

D. None of the above

16. The first eight lines of a sonnet is known as ? 

A. Octonal

B. Eight scale

C. Octave

D. Octive

17. The last six lines of sonnet is known as ? 

A. Sestet

B. Setset

C. Six set

D. Setses

18. Sonnets can be categorized on the basis of their. _______ 

A. Rhyme scheme

B. Alliteration

C. Personified nature

D. Allusion

19. The word “sonetto,” which means   

A. Small song

B. Very small song

C. Little song

D. Little lyric

20. Let me but live my life from year to year,

With forward face and unreluctant soul;

Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal;

Not mourning for the things that disappear

 Identify the rhyme scheme of the given lines. 

A. abba

B. aaaa

C. baba

C. abab

21. My heart will keep the courage of the quest,

And hope the road’s last turn will be the best 

What is the poet’s hope ? 

A. End of the life will be best to cherish

B. Our end will be successful and we all will attain our goal

C . Death is permanent

D. None of the above

22. Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal ; 

 Not mourning for the things that disappear 

What should one not mourn for? 

A. Temporary things

B. Failure

C. Sorrows

D. Death

23.” Let me but live my life from year to year with forwarding face and unreluctant soul “

Whom does the word ‘me’ refer to?

A. People

B. Human beings

C. The poet

D. The life

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