General English – Group 2 Exam Series 24– Poem 18 – My Computer Needs A Break 

Poem 18 – My Computer Needs A Break 

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Poem 18 – My Computer Needs A Break Questions d(3)

1. The poem ” My Computer Needs A Break ” written by ? 

A. Aswini Dutt

B. Shanthini Govindan

C. Kamala Dhas

D. Kamal surya

2. Who is a widely published, award-winning author of children’s literature in English in India, who has written over 50 books for children including poetry, picture books and short stories for children of all ages. ? 

A. Aswini Dutt

B. Shanthini Govindan

C. Kamala Dhas

D. Kamal surya

3. The poem ” Computer Needs a break ” tells about ? 

A. Computer technology

B. Artificial Intelligence

C. Positive and Negatives of computer

D. All the above

4. ” My computer has always been so brainy and smart –

It seems to know mountains of information by heart. ” 

Here my computer refers to ? 

A. All computers in general

B. Poet’s computer

C. Personal Computer

D. First stage computers

5. ” My computer has always been so brainy and smart –

It seems to know mountains of information by heart. ” 

In this line , computers are compared with ?

A. Smart technology

B. Human Brain

C. Mountains

D. None of the above

6. ” My computer has always been so brainy and smart –

It seems to know mountains of information by heart. ” 

Who seems to know mountains of information ? 

A. Human Brain

B. Computers

C. Technologies

D. The storage devices

7. “If I type in a question, and give my mouse a click,

My computer always gives me the answer really quick! ”  

In this stanza , what type of computer do the poet’s speaks about ?

A. Laptop

B. Tab

C. Old generation Computers

D. Touch Screen

8. “If I type in a question, and give my mouse a click,

My computer always gives me the answer really quick! ” 

Why computer gives the so quickly ?

A. It stores information

B. It is really fast

C. It is multi talented like human brain

D. Both A and B is correct

9.” But of late, my computer has been behaving badly too,

It’s so absent-minded, that I don’t know what to do ” 

In this stanza the poet mentions about ? 

A. The problem of all computers

B. His computer is absent minded

C. His computer lacks memory

D. None of the above

10. ” But of late, my computer has been behaving badly too,

It’s so absent-minded, that I don’t know what to do.” 

Why the computer has been behaving badly according to the poet ?.

A. His computer caught a virus

B. Central Processing unit stopped working

C. Hardware issues

D. Some Software issues

11.” But of late, my computer has been behaving badly too,

It’s so absent-minded, that I don’t know what to do.” 

Here Absent Minded is compared to ? 

A. Human Being

B. The Central Processing unit of computer

C. RAM of computer

D. Storage devices

12. ” It forgets to ‘save’ my work, and store it away,

And instead, makes it vanish in the most dreadful way. ” 

The meaning of dreadful is ?.

A. Careless

B. Disturbing

C. Destroying

D. Unpleasant

13. ” It forgets to ‘save’ my work, and store it away,

And instead, makes it vanish in the most dreadful way ” 

What happened to computer according to the poet ?

A. It Saves the work but failed to Store the program

B. It Failed to Save the work but it stores the work

C. It Failed to Save and Store the work done by the poet

D. The computer suddenly shut down while he is doing work

14.” It forgets to ‘save’ my work, and store it away,

And instead, makes it vanish in the most dreadful way.” 

It vanish in the most dreadful way means ?.

A. Some files are seen deleted

B. Important files are deleted which creates unpleasant for the poet

C. Computer shut down while he is doing important work creates unpleasentness

D. The System failed to work during his working time

15.” My computer doesn’t check that my spellings are right,

And hides my files, so that they vanish from sight.” 

Apart from not saving the files , now his computer failed to ?

A. Hide the files

B. Do calculation

C. Check the spellings

D. Do programs

16. ” And hides my files, so that they vanish from sight.” 

This line denotes ? 

A. His files start disappearing from computer

B. His hidden files starts deleting from computer

C. Now he can’t able to hide files

D. All the files starts deleting

17. ” And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,

And behaved so erratically that it made me squirm.” 

The meaning of Squirm is ? 

A.To twist the body in discomfort

B. Disappointed

C. Very irritating

D. Unpleasant Time

18. ” And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,

And behaved so erratically that it made me squirm.” 

The meaning of Gobbled is ?

A. Settle

B. Take over


D. None

19. ” And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,

And behaved so erratically that it made me squirm.” 

In this stanza, what the poet denotes as worm ? 

A. Problem in computer

B. Hardware issues

C. Virus in computer

D. All the above

20. ” And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,

And behaved so erratically that it made me squirm.” 

What happened to the computer atlast ? 

A.The performance of computer reduced due to Virus in computer

B. Computer totally went off due to a virus which starts deleting the flies

C. Virus in the computer starts hacking his files

D. The screen of his computer failed to show his files due to a virus

21.” Then my computer caught a virus, and fell very sick,

So I had to call in a doctor, double quick. ” 

Here why poet mentions as doctor ? 

A. He compares computer with human

B. He want the readers to understand about computer

C. The computer is affected by virus

D. None of the above

22.” Then my computer caught a virus, and fell very sick,

So I had to call in a doctor, double quick.” 

Who is the doctor here ? 

A. The poet

B. Human Doctor

C. Computer Specialist

D. Technologies Known Person

23.” Then my computer caught a virus, and fell very sick,

So I had to call in a doctor, double quick.” 

Why the poet wanted to call doctor very quickly ?

A. The computer has a serious problem

B. His computer is affected by virus

C. He can’t able to work efficiently in his computer

D. All the above are correct

24. ” As the doctor examined my computer, I just had to say,

‘Doctor, do you think my tired computer wants a holiday?’ ” 

Why computer needs a holiday according to poet ?.

A. He wants to buy a new computer

B. The computer need a rest from overusing it

C. He cannot use that computer yet again

D. He got irritated by that computer

25. ” As the doctor examined my computer, I just had to say,

‘Doctor, do you think my tired computer wants a holiday?’ “

Why the computer is very tired ?

A. Over use of computer

B. Over heating of computer

C. Virus got infected in that computer

D. Both A and C are correct

26.” My computer has always been so brainy and smart “

The figure of speech used in this line is ? 

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Simile

D. Anaphora

27.” It seems to know mountains of information by heart. ” 

The figure of speech used in this line is ?

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Simile

D. Anaphora

28. ” It’s so absent-minded, that I don’t know what to do. ” 

The figure of speech used here is ?

A. Simile

B. Anaphora

C. Metaphor

D. Hyperbole

29. “And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm, ” 

The figure of speech used here is ? 

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Ellipsis

D. Oxymoron

30. ” Then my computer caught a virus, and fell very sick, ” 

The figure of speech used here is ?

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Ellipsis

D. Oxymoron

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