Prose 1 – ” His First Flight “
Question and Answers
1. Who is the author of the prose “His First Flight “?
A. Nathaniel Hawthorne
B. Liam O’Flaherty
C. Alphonse Daudet
D. Mary Mapes Dodge
2. Who was alone on his ledge?
A. A sea gull
B. A young sea gull
C. An elder sea gull
D. A female sea gull
3. His ______ brothers and _____sister had already flown away the day before
A. 2 , 1
B. 1 , 2
C. 2, 2
D. 1, 1
4. Which stretched down beneath the ledge?
A. Plateau
B. Sea
C. Desert
D. Plains
5. He bent his head and ran away back to the _______ under the ledge where he slept at night.
A. Shadow
B. little hole
C. Small cave
D. Point
6. Whose wings were far shorter?
A. Young sea gull
B. Brother
C. Sister
D. Brother and sister
7. He failed to muster up courage to take that plunge which appeared to him so desperate.
Who is referred to “He ” here ?
A. Brother
B. Both brothers
C. Young sea gull
D. Father of young sea full
8. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, scolding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge, unless he flew away.
In the above sentence shrilly denotes?
A. Producing high pitch sound
B. Producing low pitch sound
C. Producing both high pitch and low pitch sound consequently
D. Producing or keeping the voice very low
9. That was ________ hours ago. Since then, nobody had come near him.
A. 16
B. 20
C. 24
D. 28
10. The young sea gull’s brothers and sister had perfection in?
1. Art of flight
2. How to skim the waves
3. How to dive for the fish
which among the above is / are correct?
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3
11. Who catches his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock.
A. His sister
B. His elder brother
C. His younger brother
D. His father
12. Parents circled around raising a proud cackle.
Here the word cackle denotes?
A. Cry of a hen
B. Cry of a goose
C. Cry of a sea gull
D. All the above
13. Seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock.
Here herring is?
A. A long blue fish
B. A long silver fish
C. A long gold fish
D. A long red fish
14. The synonym of the word devour is?
A. To eat something in large amounts
B. To beat something in large effort
C. To Play in the sea effortlessly
D. To fly in the air effortlessly
15. And all the morning, the whole family had walked about on the ________?
A. Cliff
B. Plateau
C. Ledge
D. Hill
16. The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing warmly on his ledge that faced the _________ direction?
A. North
B. West
C. South
D. East
17. Why the young sea gull felt the heat?
1. Sun ascending towards the sky
2. He had not eaten since yesterday night
which among the above is / are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
18. The young sea gull had found a dried piece of ___________ tail.
A. mackerel
B. Silver fish
C. Crab
D. Flounder
19. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of eggshell.
The synonym of gnawed is?
A. To chew something
B. To vomit something
C. To cut down using hands
D. To spit out something
20. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of eggshell. Whose egg shell was that?
A. Another sea gull
B. Mackerel
C. Brother and sister
D. A fish
21. He then trotted back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other.
The synonym of trotted is?
A. Climb
B. Run
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Both A and B are wrong
22. The colour of the legs of young sea gull is?
A. White
B. Grey
C. Black
D. Brown
23. But on each side of him, the ledge ended in a sheer fall of precipice, with the sea beneath.
The synonym of Precipice is?
A. An icefall at the side of cliff
B. End of the mountain
C. A strong pillar like stone
D. Very steep side of a mountain
24. And between him and his parents, there was a _________
A. Deep Cliff
B. Deep crack
C. High mountain
D. Sun ascending above
25. Surely he could reach them without flying if he could only move _________along the cliff face?
A. Northwards
B. Eastwards
C. Westwards
D. Southwards
26. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the _______ ?
A. Hill
B. Tree
C. Plateau
D. Cliff
27. Who is only sea gull looking at the young sea gull?
A. Elder brother
B. Sister
C. Father
D. Mother
28. He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge, and, standing on one leg with the other leg is?
A. Hidden under his wing
B. Injured
C. Tired of standing
D. None of the above
29. His father was preening the feathers on his white back.
The synonym of preening is?
A. Cleaning feathers with beak
B. Clearing all the wastes from feathers
C. Cleaning feathers using his leg
D. All the above are correct
30. Where the mother is standing and looking at the young sea gull?
A. High hump on the shallow sea
B. High hump on the plateau
C. On the side of the ledge
D. Top of the cliff
31. Now and again, she tore at a piece of _________ that lay at her feet, and then scraped each side of her beak on the rock.
A. Bird
B. Animal
C. Fish
D. Insect
32. ‘Ga, ga, ga,’ he cried, begging her to bring him over some food. ‘Gawl-ool-ah,’ she screamed back mockingly.
Who cried like ga ga ga ?
A. Mother
B. Sister
C. Brother
D. Young sea gull
33. But he kept calling plaintively, and after a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream.
Here the synonym of plaintively is?
A. Sadly
B. Happily
C. Loudly
D. Softly
34. But he kept calling plaintively, and after a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream.
Why he uttered a joyful scream?
A. As his mother was flying across to him with a fish
B. Mother bought a fish for him to eat
C. As his father was flying across to him with a fish
D. None is correct
35. But when she was just opposite to him, abreast of the ledge, she halted.
Who is she denoted here?
A. Mother
B. Sister
C. Young sea gull
D. None
36. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space.
Why he fell into space in this context?
A. To learn how to fly
B. To follow the mother
C. To catch the fish from mother
D. Both B and C is correct
37. His mother had swooped upwards.
The meaning of swooped is?
A. To move very quickly in air
B. Moving slowing in air
C. Dancing and moving in air
D. None is correct
38. Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. He could hear nothing.
Why he could hear nothing?
A. He is hungry
B. He starts to fly
C. Wind flows across very fastly
D. As Mother didn’t give food to him
39. The ________ rushed against his breast feathers, then under his stomach and against his wings.
A. Fear
B. His hunger
C. Wind
D. None is correct
40. He was no longer afraid. He just felt a bit dizzy.
Why he was no longer afraid?
A. As he starts to fly –
B. He got his food at last
C. His mother come near to him
D. As he understands his father and mother was trying to helping him
41. When he starts flying who swooped past him at first?
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Brother
D. Sister
42. He saw a vast _______ sea beneath him, with little ridges moving over it.
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Light blue
D. Green
43. And around him, his family was screaming, praising him, and their beaks were offering him scraps of ________?
A. Dog_fish
B. Silver fish
C. Mackerel
D. Blue fish
44. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the ___________?
A. Ledge
B. Plateau
C. Sea
D. Cliff
45. The time period of Liam O’Flaherty is?
A. 1896 – 1984
B. 1880 – 1956
C. 1888 – 1952
D. 1872 – 1934
46. Liam O’flaherty was a founding member of which Party of Ireland ?
A. Conservative
B. Congress
C. Communist
D. Liberal
47. He was an Irish novelist and short story writer and a major figure in the Irish literary renaissance.
Who is he?
A. Liam O’flaherty
B. William Wordsworth
C. William Shakespeare
D. None of the above