- Widows, deserted wives, economically backward women and girls rescued from child marriage who are neglected by their families are taken care of in the Service homes.
- Nine Government Service Homes, one each at Chennai, Salem, Cuddalore, Thanjavur, Tirunelveli, Sivagangai, Madurai, Krishnagiri and Perambalur are functioning in Tamil Nadu.
- The Service Homes provide suitable accommodation, food, health and medical facilities.
- The inmates can also pursue their schooling if they had discontinued their studies.
- The widows and deserted wives are also permitted to bring up their children in a conducive atmosphere in these Service Homes. A maximum of three children can be kept by a mother.
- While the Girl children are provided education upto XII Standard, male children are provided with the educational facility in the Service Home itself upto V Standard.
- Vocational skills are also provided to enable them to have economic sustainability.
- Life skills viz., computer training, spoken english and counseling for selection of higher studies and future career guidance are also provided in these homes.