- The state government of Tamil Nadu launched the Tamil Nadu Tatkal Scheme for power connection.
- In this scheme the farmers of the state will get electricity for free.
- Some terms and conditions must be followed by the farmers to get the benefit of the scheme. Farmers will have to pay a specific fee under the scheme to get the benefit of the scheme.
Key Features
- Tatkal Scheme: Tatkal Scheme is the part of Agricultural Service Connection.
- Under this connection service the state will provide electricity connection to agricultural sector for the betterment of the farmers. Under Tatkal Scheme the farmers will get electricity within this year that is 2017.
- The main objective of the scheme is to make better life for the farmers.
- Under this scheme places where no electricity has reached will get smooth and round the clock power connection.
- The farmers of the state will be the beneficiaries under this scheme.
- According to the authorities approximately more than 50,000 connections will be provided to the agricultural areas across the state. Already nearly 3500 connections have been provided by the state electricity board.
- There are three types of fees under this scheme. Basically the beneficiary will have to buy the motor to get the free connection.
- There are three types of motors available under Tamil Nadu Tatkal Scheme. Depends on their power, 3 types of motors such as 7.5 HP motor, 10 HP motor and 15 HP motor are available. The fees for each are 2.5 Lac for 7.5 HP, 3 Lac for 10 HP and finally 4 Lac for 15 HP respectively.
- Tamil Nadu Generation and Development Corporation will supervise the project.
- They have already received more than 20, 000 application forms as of now for the meter and connection under the scheme.
- One Day Connection Schemes: In another report the state has stated that they have started another scheme where domestic consumers will be able to get power connection within a day time.
- Under this scheme the state have already provided 85, 000 connections to places across the state